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Types of Cutting Boards: We Understand the Features

Types of Cutting Boards: We Understand the Features - 4T7

Different types of cutting boards are not a whim of marketers, but a necessity for every housewife. Using only one surface for cutting, firstly, will quickly disable it, and secondly, it is simply harmful, since not all dirt can be removed from the board.

The difference between the models lies not only in the material of manufacture, but also in other parameters. In our article, we will tell you on what grounds the kitchen boards are divided, we will figure out which of them are needed for what, and we will give the best options for this indispensable element of any kitchen.

Types of cutting boards by material

1. Wooden boards

There are several types of wood cutting boards. Classic - cut out of wooden boards, which are glued together, and having a frontal work surface. Whole pieces are cut from a single piece of wood. The end ones are glued from the bars, and the ends are the working surface in them. There are also plywood.

The undoubted advantages of such boards are environmental friendliness and a variety of colors. In addition, they serve for a long time, if properly cared for, withstand severe temperature changes. An obvious plus is reasonable prices.

But they also have disadvantages. Such boards cannot be washed in a dishwasher and generally allowed to stay in water for a long time. And plywood easily sticks when moisture gets on it. After cutting food, the surface of wooden boards may be damaged, moreover, it absorbs all liquids. If the boards are glued together, then the glue from the seams, albeit in microscopic doses, still gets into the food. Caring for wooden products includes regular treatment with special oil.

2. Plastic boards

There are many types of cutting boards made of this material on the market: thick, thin, bending, etc. The plastic used for their production can also be different. The choice of colors is huge!

Such boards can be washed in the dishwasher, they are not afraid of water and do not absorb anything. They are cheaper than wood. Thin boards made of plastic are very light and do not take up much space. Bendable models are convenient in that it is easy to “throw off” food from them into a cooking container.

Among the minuses can be noted too much weight of thick boards. With constant use, nicks appear on the surface. Due to this defect, plastic particles can get into the food. In addition, food particles get stuck in damaged areas, which makes the board look untidy and dirty. It is unrealistic to wash it to the state of a new one, it is easier to throw it away. Also, you can not put hot objects on plastic and cut hot food on it.

3. Bamboo boards

Many people think that this is an ordinary wooden board, but they are mistaken, because bamboo is an herb.

But at the same time, such a board looks like a wooden one. Despite this, she is not afraid of washing in the dishwasher. It does not absorb odors and juices, it does not deteriorate from hot dishes, as well as from the impact of a knife. True, such resistance harms the knives themselves - they can become dull on the hard surface of bamboo.

Since such boards are usually glued together, small particles of glue from the seams can get into the food.

A big plus is the low cost.

4. Ceramic boards

These boards are made from ceramic materials, after which their surface is glazed. They are very hard, this is their advantage and at the same time a minus - the knives become dull instantly. Regular use of these boards is not recommended.

They are very easy to clean, even in the dishwasher. Not afraid of hot, do not absorb odors and liquids. In addition, you can choose a pattern for every taste.

However, such boards are quite expensive, and are designed for a very small number of actions - mostly only for cutting cheese. In addition, the sound that they make when they knock while cutting is very annoying. Despite durability, the enamel cracks over time.

5. Stone boards

There are two options for such boards: from a single piece of stone and from crumbs. The first ones are more expensive. The latter, respectively, are cheaper: for production, granite chips are taken, which are pressed with adhesive resins. The danger of using is that small doses of glue can enter the body with food.


But these boards look very beautiful, expensive, they are easy to wash, including in the dishwasher, they do not absorb odors and liquids.

Among the disadvantages is significant weight - up to 1.5 kg with a thickness of 1.2 cm. Knives quickly become dull on the surface, the board may burst from hot dishes. With visible strength, after a while, scratches and chips appear on it, which need to be polished.

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